



dish, slavic



  • 400g flour

  • 1 large egg

  • 120ml water

  • 1 large spoons of oil

  • salt

  • pepper


  • 800g starchy potatoes

  • 115g curd cheese (dt. Topfen)

  • 2 large spoons of sour cream (dt. Sauerrahm)

  • 4 medium-sized onions

  • some butter

  • 1/2 a handful of wild chive (dt. Schnittlauch)

  • 1/2 a handful of dill

  • 2 large spoons of minced garden parsley (dt. Petersilie)

  • 100g bacon



  1. Peel the potatoes

  2. Cook potatoes in salt water

  3. Cube two onions

  4. Roast cubed onions

  5. Slice dill and wild chive

  6. Mash potatoes and mix in {onions, curd cheese, sour cream, dill, wild chive} while still warm

  7. Add salt and pepper for proper taste


  1. Salt the flour, add {egg, water, oil}

  2. Knead into a soft dough

  3. Sprinkle flour on top

  4. Let it rest for 30min

  5. Roll out dough into thin dough

  6. Flour the rim of a mug and cut out disks

  7. Take of large spoon of the filling, put it in the middle of a disk and fold disk. Apply water to disk rims. Squeeze rim of disks to form Wareniki.


  1. Steam Wareniki in groups of 4–7 together in cooking salt water

  2. Melt some butter, cube bacon and cook bacon

  3. Spread bacon and garden parsley across Wareniki

Boun apetito!